Four Sigma Foods Instant Lion's Mane Herbal Drink Mix Packet. Contains 20 single-serving packets. We add a pinch of stevia leaf extract for calorie-free sweetness to round out the bitterness of the mushroom. Our stevia is a high-quality concentrated extract without the metallic aftertaste. 1,000 mg of ORGANIC fruiting body, dual-extracted, log-grown (not grain!) red reishi mushrooms per packet. Calms the body by lowering cortisol and enhances the quality of deep, slow-wave sleep. Made with a touch of mint and stevia giving the mix a delicious, refreshing flavor.Free from gluten, wheat, cholesterol, soya, sugar, nuts, and caffeine. It's all-natural!
Lion's Mane Elixir
A Hug For Your Brain
Like a hug for your brain, sip Lion's Mane elixir when studying for mid-terms, nearing a work deadline, or really concentrating on making that hand-carved dining table. This elixir tastes nothing like culinary mushrooms. Instead, rose hips, mint, and a touch of stevia make a delicious tea.
Focus and Think with Lion's Mane
Organic Lion's Mane is known as a natural nootropic with abilities to support focus, concentration, and productivity. With both short- and long-term benefits, lion's mane mushrooms have been studied for centuries.
Antioxidant Properties
The polysaccharides in Lion's Mane mushroom have been shown to have strong antioxidant properties. Each packet has a precise extraction of the fruiting bodies of Lion's Mane grown on wood.